Monday 19 February 2018

Advantages And Disadvantages of Using Synthetic Agrichemicals In Forage Productions

One the most common issues that arise among the farmers in the production of the crop is the use of agrichemicals.  

Many people think that using of manufactured chemicals for the growth of the crop might be a risk-taking factor as it might make you suffer from long-term health problems. 

Nowadays people are so concerned about the chemical process plant that the crops are now advertised as residue-free which means it is grown naturally. 

Advantages And Disadvantages of Using Agrichemicals 

Below here are few points which compare the advantages over the disadvantages of using agrichemicals for plants growth. 
  • The advantage of using agrichemicals is that the crop yield is higher while the disadvantage is that it contaminates the crop product with chemical residues which are very harmful for the health. 
  • The quality of the crop becomes higher but along with the increase in quality, it contaminates groundwater and soil as well. 
  • The best part of using the agrichemicals is that it allows the agricultural producers which are of generally of very less population to provide crops for the non-agricultural producers who are basically more but along with this, it also develops the population of pests for crops which resists the agricultural treatment. 
  • Another advantage can be said as the cost of labour is very less in comparison to the amount of food that is produced whereas the disadvantage is that there is always an involvement of risk to the people who apply agrichemicals.   

If you want to enjoy residue free crops then look for used tanks for sale and fill it with fertilized soil to grow your crops at home.